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Data Dive: Middle Class Stability

When you're alone and life is making you lonely you can always go...Petula Clark would tell you  downtown  but I'm going to suggest the  Pew Research Center , where you can find almost any kind of data you ever wanted to find about anything social.  It's amazing. So, what with gas prices and Biden's lethargic stance on student loan forgiveness, I've been thinking a lot about the economy recently.  Having just returned from a $100 Target haul that included a mere 5 items, each with an average price of $20 (trash bags, a shower curtain liner, and some toothpaste so...nothing exciting except that they're much more expensive now!!!!), I'm wondering how many of us "educated people" are going to become financially unstable before we know it. Pew, of course, to the rescue. This is a matter, really, of middle-class stability.  Encompassing over 50% of the population and the main portion of the consumer class, the middle-class in America plays a vital role

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